Meet the Team.

These guys make what we do special.

Let’s meet a few of them…


Holly Toothill.

Holly is one of the original 5 who were there when it all began. She even helped choose the name!

Having oodles of talent, over the past few years she has added layers upon layers of hard graft and the effort is paying off. In 2019 at 17 years old she gained the title of British Bouldering Champion. She followed this up with a 7th place finish at the 2019 Junior World Championships in a stacked field.

After an enforced break and limited competition opportunities over the 2020/2021 seasons, Holly produced some excellent performances in 2022 breaking into World Cup semi-finals and achieving a top 10 position in Salt Lake City (9th).

Going into 2023 the goal is simple .. train hard, compete harder.


Maximillian Milne.

What can we say? No longer a newbee to the Precision Climbing Team, Max is still psyched. All. Of. The. Time!

Max lives to climb and compete, and any of you who follow @maxthefuture will know he wears his heart on his sleeve while he does it. His unique style of climbing masks the countless hours of focused hard work that goes in to make his performances seem effortless.

Now a World Class senior athlete Max has demonstrated he has what it takes to play with the big boys. Winning his first international medal (2nd) in 2022 at Brixen boulder WC and achieving an overall world ranking of 6th, Max is chasing. He wants that spot in Paris and he’s going all out to get it. Times are definitely getting exciting around here!

Molly Thompson Smith

A random fact: Molly has not failed to progress to a Lead World Cup or World Championship semi-final round since 2016.

Dedicated and disciplined in equal measures, her drive to be one of the best in the world means despite her impressive pedigree she’s not yet satisfied. She know’s there’s more in the tank, as do we.

Always one to make life interesting, Molly suffered a nasty ankle injury at the end of the 2022 season, with a winter spent undergoing surgery and re-learning to do basic tasks like walking, 2023 is going to hold it’s challenges. But when backed into a corner there’s no one we’re more likely to put our money on than Molly Thompson Smith!


Jim Pope.

Mr @jimpopeonarope needs little introduction, although these days he’s as likely to be found above a bouldering pad!

Jim is a familiar face on the World Cup lead circuit, having a succession of good results in 2019 including finals at the European Championships in Edinburgh (6th Place) and a top 10 ranking in Xiamen (9th Place).

A cool customer he has spent the last few years proving he’s no one trick pony, making a name for himself with some impressive hard trad ascents in the UK, taking 3rd place in the British Bouldering Championships 2019 and finishing his degree in Sports Science at Sheffield Hallam.

What ever the future holds, we’re certain he’ll keep us on our toes.

Jack Macdougall.

Is no longer a youth! Well he is really, but 2023 definitely proved to be a break through year for this young athlete. In 2022 as a Youth A, Jack made World Youth Championship finals in both lead and boulder demonstrating real future potential as a combined discipline athlete.

At the start of 2023 Jack threw his hat into the ring with the big boys, earned himself a senior World Cup team spot and embarked on a bit of an adventure. At 17 he made his first World Cup semi-final, repeated the feat at senior World Championships a few months later and became British Bouldering Champion somewhere in between .. pigs may fly .. but this was no fluke!

With a solid first senior season under his belt & a spot at the Olympic qualifying series earned, we are psyched to see how far he can go in 2024.


Hamish McArthur.

Hamish has been training with Precision since 2015. With a love of many different sports, we were pretty convinced he was going to be lost to the world of football, happily though, early successes led the way!

Over the past year Hamish has demonstrated a maturity that most athletes can only strive for. His calm and structured approach to training and competition enabling him to become an outstanding performer and a true allrounder.

There were many highlights in 2019 from Hamish and the team, but his 2nd place finish in Boulder at Junior World Championships, has to be one of our most emotional coaching experiences of all time. As to be expected, he was cool as a cucumber!

The full athlete list…

Holly Toothill, Molly Thompson Smith, Zoe Peetermans, Hannah Slaney, Eugenie Lee, Joanna Neame, Katherine Macdougall, Willow Petrobelli, Hannah Kerr, Izzy Edgington, Amy Rafferty, Fae Macdougall, Connie Bridgens, Ava Hamilton, Bella Ryder, Lily Duggan, Florence Hydes Scott, Florence Bell, Sophia Brady, Klara, Jim Pope, Max Milne, Hamish McArthur, Ben Preston, Sam Butterworth, Aiden Dunne, Joe Xiberras, Jack Macdougall, Jamie Jenkins, Dylan Soin, Oscar Phillips, Tom Healy, Fred Williams, Oliver Goodwin, Will Decker, Isaac Sutton, Dylan Chalker, Nima Celebicic, Jacob Goodwin, Sammy Suri, Oliver Durant, Josh Lau, Ozzie Brady,